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How do I protect my outdoor mat?

Outdoor mats are an essential part of any home, but they can get dirty and worn down over time. If you want to keep your outdoor mat in good condition, it's important to take care of it properly. 
The best way to protect your outdoor mat is to dry it after use. After all, if you leave your yoga mat out in the sun, it will become brittle and break easily. Drying helps prevent mildew and mold from growing on the surface of the mat as well and helps prevent rot from occurring at its core.
You should always dry your yoga mat in the shade; direct sunlight can damage its fibers over time (and make them less flexible).
Keep your outdoor mat away from sun and rain. Sun and rain can damage the mat, so it's best to keep it in a covered area when possible. If you need to leave it outside, use a cover that will protect against UV rays and moisture.
The best way to clean your outdoor mat is with a hose and brush. Next, you can use a vacuum cleaner or broom if you want to get into the cracks of your mat. If there are leaves on top of your mat, then use a leaf blower instead of trying to pick them up by hand or sweeping them off with a broom or brush (this will just make more work for yourself).
If all else fails and there is still dirt left behind after using these methods above, then go ahead and use any pressure washer available at home depot or lowe's stores near where you live!
The best way to protect your outdoor mat is by cleaning it regularly, keeping it dry and away from sun and rain.
Cleaning: You can use a hose or broom to remove dirt from your mat, but if there are stains or spots that won't come out with water alone (like oil), try using soap instead. Soap is gentler on the fabric than detergent, which can cause damage over time if used too often. Make sure not to use too much pressure when scrubbing so you don't damage the material! If this doesn't work for you, there are cleaning solutions specifically made for outdoor rugs that may do what you need them too.
It's important to keep your outdoor mat clean and dry, so that it can last longer and be more comfortable. You can do this by cleaning it regularly, keeping it away from sun and rain and drying it after every use.
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